5 thoughts on “Episode 25: Janaya Buck

  1. oh WOW!
    you guys need to bring janaya back some time!
    it was nice to learn font stuff! 🙂

  2. Great podcast! I’ve been listening ever since I heard about Episode 10 on Reddit but I’ve been a bit lazy with commenting. I loved Janaya as a guest as she’s very informative and all around fun. Can’t wait for the next episode.

    P.S. For the longest time I believed that this was a podcast for the comedy sketch group “Whitest Kids You Know”, where Bill was Trevor Moore, Jeff was Timmy Williams, and Mike was Zach Cregger. It took me a while to realize since I’m not good at names and you three are insanely funny.

    • Wow! We’re glad to have entertained you so much, Jasmin! Hopefully now that you know we aren’t WKUK you’ll still listen!


      PS: Janaya’s very happy you enjoyed her episode.

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