Episode 57: Giant Treasure

This shit is all about me

We do some house cleaning, and basically tell some disjointed stories we’ve had on our minds lately.

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog – Full Intro (High Quality)
Sonic Says Sexual Harassment is no good
G.I. Joe PSAs
The Juggernaut Bitch!!
Jonah Raydio
Nerd Poker

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3 thoughts on “Episode 57: Giant Treasure

  1. Hey thanks for the mention!!! 20 bucks man can’t pass that up!! Love the show. I’m inspired. Knowing bill for, God, what feels like forever. We grew up together, not since pre-school, no, I’m talking the fun times when we were coming into pre-adulthood!!! Lol. Learning to swear and smoke them cigarettes. And damning the man, knowing full well to most we were the man, or supposed to become the man. I’m rambling. But great show, great insight on different takes on situations that we’ve all been in from time to time. I’d love to start a podcast, my only consistency would be that I would be completely inconsistent….. I’d have a format that I’d barely follow and topics that I’d get lost on myself. I learned a lot from bill about how to tell a great story… And I love telling stories!! Blah. Mainly I can’t sleep, so I’m rambling again. Good night/good morning!!

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