Hero Of Today – A Sort-Of Review

Hey Outcasts. Bill here. I just wanted to do a quick post in regards to the Desolation Films flick, Hero Of Today.

I recently purchased the digital copy of Hero Of Today and, without shame, I can tell you that I’ve have watched it four times since. Matter of fact, I’m probably going to watch it again once I’m done with this post, actually. Yeah, I dig it that much.

It’s not just another zombie flick. At all. It’s a story of a guy who goes from underdog to bad ass, just the way I (and probably you) would hope things would go for me if something like this actually happened. Sure, it’s got some (minimal) rough edges, just like pretty much anything else I’ve ever watched, but damn, does it pay off! There’s some good scares, a bit of gore (I may be understating that) quotable lines, and a good amount of laughs. It hits all the sweet spots near and dear to my heart: zombies, horror, humor, and well, there’s this line that made me actually shout, “YES!! BAD ASS!” when I heard it. If you’re a geek like me, you’ll have the same reaction.

Being a fan of Desolations Films’ work since I was exposed to it a few years ago, I was happy to get the opportunity to actually watch the flick again recently. Let me tell you, it really held up! I was so happy to watch again, and I really hope that you folks give it a shot.

Currently, if you head to the Desolation Films website, you can purchase your digital copy right now for $1.99. Worth every single cent, and then some.

You can listen to our interview with Desolation Films’ James Mattern and Chad Renn right here.


p.s. Chester needs a prequel. You’ll see what I mean.