Oh hey guys, I finally got it to work! (AND EXCITING NEWS!)

Some of you Outcasts may be wondering why I never make posts on here, truth is, I never knew how until tonight. I assure you all that this will be changing drastically over the coming weeks as my derp intake is being minimalized drastically. Keep your eyes peeled for some quality blog posts from yours truly soon! (After this one, of course.)

Actually, while I have your attention, I’d like to make an announcement. Next Thursday (January 19th) will mark the first entry of my new weekly comic BRAIN POOP. I hope you will all join us each week for a trip through my mind in the form of semi-decent images created by me. All I ask is that you humor me at the very least and I’ll be satisfied.

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday, internet.

My slow carb breakfast

Hey folks, just figured I’d share a recipe that I picked up from the author of 4-Hour Body, Tim Ferriss. This isn’t something from the book, but rather something I saw him post on YouTube. After trying it once, I decided then and there: This is my new favorite breakfast.

What you need:

Frozen Spinach (yes, they make bags of it. Don’t buy the bricks, it adds time and hassle. Who wants to cut a block of spinach up for BREAKFAST?)

2-3 eggs (Tim recommends egg whites in a jug, like Egg Beaters. I’m too poor to spend that much on egg whites. Plus, if you want the yolks gone, use a fancy yolk catcher. They’re a few bucks, but it’s up to you.)

Salsa (Get mild, it’s the fucking morning.)

Preparation: Put some frozen spinach in a microwave safe bowl. I don’t know jack or shit about portions. Let’s face it though, you know how much you can eat. Throw that in te microwave for 1:30.

Take it out, put the eggs in with the spinach(I usually spread it out evenly, and break my yolks up), and throw that in the microwave for about 2 minutes, or until the eggs aren’t runny anymore.

Spoon out some salsa on them shits.

Delicious, fools!

Best thing is that it’s practically a 5 minute breakfast.

So, questions? Ideas on other low/no carb meals that are quick, cheap, easy? Break us off a comment!


P.S. check out Four Hour Body

Cheat Day Breakfast

Both Bill and I are on the Slow-Carb Diet from the book 4-Hour Body. I’m sure we’ll talk about in in detail sometime soon, but what you need to know to understand this post is that one day a week you are allowed to eat Whatever you want!

Today is my cheat day and I ate a row of double stuff Oreos, a glass of milk, and two Nutty Buddies for breaskfast.

I’ve lost 30lbs so far. It’s a good diet.
